   Copyright 2010 Aaron J. Radke

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
package cc.drx

object Fuzzy{
   implicit object ParsableFuzzy extends Parsable[Fuzzy]{ def apply(pat:String):Fuzzy = Fuzzy(pat)  }
// TODO  implement and remove fuzzy specific logic from the collection additions
case class Fuzzy(pat:String){

  // def compare(a:String, b:String) = TODO 
  // collection operators
  private def defaultAsString[A](x:A):String = x.toString
  /**filter list where some match exists*/
  def filter[A](xs:Seq[A]):Seq[A] = filter(xs, defaultAsString) //show only matches
  def filter[A](xs:Seq[A],asString:A=>String):Seq[A] = xs.filter{x => penalty(asString(x)).isDefined} //show only matches
  /**sort list from best to worst match (lowest penalty)*/  //
  def sort[A](xs:Seq[A]):Seq[A] = sort(xs, defaultAsString)
  def sort[A](xs:Seq[A],asString:A=>String):Seq[A] = zipWithPenalty(xs,asString).sortBy(_._2).map(_._1)  //sort the matches
  /**find the best match out of the bunch (lowest penalty) */
  // def find[A](xs:Seq[A]):Option[A] = zipWithPenalty(xs).getNonEmpty.map{_.minBy(_._2)._1} //get the best/first match if found
  def find[A](xs:Seq[A]):Option[A] = find(xs, defaultAsString)
  def find[A](xs:Seq[A], asString:A=>String):Option[A] =
    zipWithPenalty(xs,asString).getNonEmpty.map{_.minBy(_._2)._1} //get the best/first match if found

  private def zipWithPenalty[A](xs:Seq[A],asString:A=>String):Seq[(A,Int)] =
    for(x <- xs; z <- penalty(asString(x))) yield (x, z)

  /** integer penalty, where a zero is a perfect match, None means no match at all*/
  private def penalty(str:String):Option[Int] = { //think about a more generic interface than an integer penalty that may change
     //TODO move the pat dependent calcs as private lazy val's local the Fuzzy case class to cache calcs for future penalty
     lazy val lStr = str.toLowerCase
     lazy val lPat = pat.toLowerCase

     lazy val pats = Parse.split[String](pat)
     lazy val lPats = pats.map{_.toLowerCase}

     lazy val terms = pat.splitTerms
     lazy val lTerms = terms.map{_.toLowerCase}

     lazy val soundexStr   = Soundex(str)
     lazy val soundexTerms = terms map Soundex.apply

     lazy val beacon:String = str.toList.sliding(2,1).filter{
       case List(a,b) => (a.isLower && b.isUpper) || (!a.isLetter && b.isLetter) || b.isDigit
       case _ => true
     }.flatMap(_.lastOption).mkString(str.take(1),"","") //instead of headOption this works:  ("".take(1) == "")
     lazy val lBeacon = beacon.toLowerCase
     // Log(str, beacon)

     lazy val N = str.size
     lazy val n = pat.size
     lazy val Nb = beacon.size
     lazy val np = pats.map{_.size}.sum

     lazy val deltaNPenalty:Int = (N-n).abs.sat(0,99) //0 same size, 99 lots of extra chars penalty step size

     // val useCase = pat exists (_.isUpperCase) //vim smartcase like auto mode setting
     // note: case matching is baked in with priority penalty 
     //-- cost function search  //smaller numbers are a better match, zero is perfect, (prime numbers and relative size matching confuse separation, just use simple priority based thinking), this prevents the need to penalty by all and use best
     //--empty string
     val res = {
       if(str == "") Int.MaxValue
       //--full match case
       else if(str == pat) 0  //zero is perfect match
       //--full match case insensitive
       else if(lStr == lPat) 100
       //--partial match case
       else if(str contains pat) 200  //TODO differentiate degree of partial match
       //--partial match case insensitive
       else if(lStr contains lPat) 300
       //--match all list of pats Case
       else if(pats forall (str contains _)) 400
       //--match all list of pats NoCase
       else if(lPats forall (lStr contains _)) 500
       //--match all list of terms Case
       else if(terms forall (str contains _)) 600
       //--match all list of terms NoCase
       else if(lTerms forall (lStr contains _)) 700
       //--match beacon with Case
       else if(beacon contains pat) 800
       //--match beacon NoCase
       else if(lBeacon contains lPat) 900
       //--match beacon elements subsequences
       else if(beacon containsSubsequence pat) 1000
       //--match beacon elements subsequences
       else if(lBeacon containsSubsequence lPat) 1100
       //--match with subsequence
       else if(str containsSubsequence pat) 1200
       //--match with subsequence NoCase
       else if(lStr containsSubsequence lPat) 1300
       //--match all list of terms by simularity
       //--match all terms by a soundex simularity
       else if(soundexTerms forall (soundexStr contains _)) 1400
       //--match with spaces
       //--TODO allow skips in beacon matches
       //--TODO allow beacon like matches as part of the pattern lists
       else Int.MaxValue
     if(res == Int.MaxValue) None else Some(res + deltaNPenalty)