/* Copyright 2010 Aaron J. Radke Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package cc.drx object Github{ import Repo._ // implicit val githubOnly = List[Repo](Repo.github) //automatic github_token specification for authentication case class Person(first:String, last:String) object Issue{ // implicit val parser:StringMapParser[Issue] = StringMapParser.make[Issue] //from Macro } case class Issue( body:String, number:Int, state:String, title:String, // labels:Seq[String], //hide seq // assignees:Seq[String], // milestone:String, comments:Int, updated_at:Date ) //TODO add more fields private val githubSource = new SourceGithub(OS.Env.get("GITHUB_TOKEN")) private val githubRepo = new Repo(githubSource, None, Repo.GithubStyle) private implicit val repos:Repo.Repos = Iterable(githubRepo) //--helper def projects(orgName:String):Future[List[Project]] = githubSource.projectsF(Org(orgName)) def issues(orgName:String, prjName:String) = githubSource.issuesF(Org(orgName) / prjName) def clone(org:String, prj:String, parentDir:File)(implicit ec:ExecutionContext):Future[Git] = clone(Org(org)/prj, parentDir) def clone(prj:Project, parentDir:File)(implicit ec:ExecutionContext):Future[Git] = { val workingDir = (parentDir/prj.name).canon val cloneUrl = s"git@github.com:${prj.org.name}/${prj.name}.git" println(s"Clone from: $cloneUrl\n to:$workingDir") Shell("git","clone", cloneUrl, workingDir.path).run.map{res => Git(workingDir/".git") } } def clone(org:String, parentDir:File)(implicit ec:ExecutionContext):Future[List[Git]] = clone(Org(org), parentDir) def clone(org:Org, parentDir:File)(implicit ec:ExecutionContext):Future[List[Git]] = { val remoteGitProjects:Future[List[Git]] = Future.traverse(org.list(repos)){prj => //TODO use a non-blocking org.list lookup val workingDir = (parentDir/prj.name).canon //--fetch/pull if it already exists val res = { if(workingDir.isDir){ val git = Git(workingDir/".git") git.fetch().map{lines => git.isDirty.foreach{dirty => if(!dirty) git.merge().foreach{_ => println(s"Pulled: $workingDir" ansi Green)} //Fetch + merge = pull else { val branch = git.branch blockWithoutWarning 10.s getOrElse "HEAD" //TODO make a non blocking lookup println(s"Fetched: $workingDir ($branch)" ansi Red) //Fetch (without merge) } } git //return the git } } //--clone if you don't have it yet else { println(s"Cloning: $workingDir" ansi Blue); Github.clone(prj, parentDir) } } res.onComplete{ case Failure(e) => println(s"Error: $workingDir ($e)" ansi Red) case _ => } res } remoteGitProjects.map{ gits => val remoteNames = gits.map{_.dir.name}.toSet val ignoreNames = Set("archive","tmp") val localNames = parentDir.list.filter(_.isDir).map{_.name}.filter(_ != "archive" /*FIXME or is remote url*/).toSet val remoteWikiNames = remoteNames.map{_ + ".wiki"} val namesToArchive = localNames -- remoteNames -- remoteWikiNames -- ignoreNames //archive old files (parentDir/"archive").mkDir.map{archiveDir => namesToArchive foreach {name => val dir = parentDir/name println(s"need to archive: $dir" ansi Yellow) //TODO remove this debug // TODO add Check if is git directory and can pull from Github if((archiveDir/"name").isDir) println(s"Warning archive already exists: $dir" ansi Red) else { println(s"Archiving: $dir" ansi Orange); dir moveTo archiveDir } } } gits //return the git projects that were pulled down } } def main(args:Array[String]):Unit = { import Implicit.ec args match { case Array("clone-org", org, localDir) => clone(Org(org), File(localDir).canon).blockWithoutWarning(1.hr) } () } }