   Copyright 2010 Aaron J. Radke

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
package cc.drx

import java.io.{InputStream => JIS}
import java.io.{OutputStream => JOS}

import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream
import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream

import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8

2017-07-30("use Output or Input or StreamGenerator instead","dhu")
object IO{
   //--Output constructors/wrappers/generators
   2017-07-30("use Output.apply instead","dhu")
   def apply(os:JOS):Output = Output(os)
   2017-07-30("use Output.bytes instead","dhu")
   def bytes:Output.ByteStreamOutput = Output.bytes
   //--Input constructors/wrappers/generators
   2017-07-30("use Input.apply instead","dhu")
   def apply(bytes:Array[Byte]):Input = new Input(new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream(bytes))
   2017-07-30("use Input.apply instead","dhu")
   def apply(is:JIS):Input = new Input(is)
   2017-07-30("use Input.apply instead","dhu")
   def apply(string:String):Input = Input(string, UTF_8)
   2017-07-30("use Input.apply instead","dhu")
   def apply(string:String,charset:Charset):Input = Input(string getBytes charset)
   // def apply(url:URL):Input = apply(url.toJava.openStream)
   2017-07-30("use Input.apply instead","dhu")
   def apply(url:java.net.URL):Input = Input(url.openStream)
   //TODO this maybe need to be removed in preference to URL
   2017-07-30("use Input.url instead","dhu")
   def url(uri:String):Input = Input(new java.net.URL(uri))
   2017-07-30("use Input.resource instead","dhu")
   def resource(path:String):Input = Input.resource(File(path))
   2017-07-30("use Input.resource instead","dhu")
   def resource(file:File):Input = Input.resource(file)


//--Input and output generators
trait IOGenerator[I,O]{
  val exts:List[String]
  def canGenerate(file:File):Boolean = canWrite && exts.exists{ext => file.name.endsWith("."+ext)}
  def canRead(file:File):Boolean = canGenerate(file)
  def canWrite(file:File):Boolean = canGenerate(file)
  def canWrite:Boolean = true //default assume the stream can be written as well as read
  def apply(in:Input):I = apply(in.is)
  def apply(out:Output):O = apply(out.os)
  def apply(jis:JIS):I// = is(jis)
  def apply(jos:JOS):O// = os(jos)

trait StreamGenerator extends IOGenerator[Input,Output]{
  def apply(bytes:Array[Byte]):Input = apply(new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream(bytes))
  def apply(string:String,charset:Charset=UTF_8):Input = apply(string getBytes charset)
  override def apply(in:Input):Input = in //Input(in.is)
  override def apply(out:Output):Output = out //Output(out.os)
object StreamGenerator{
  case object Normal extends StreamGenerator{
    val exts:List[String] = List.empty
    def apply(jis:JIS) = Input(jis)
    def apply(jos:JOS) = Output(jos)
  case object GZ extends StreamGenerator{
    val exts:List[String] = List("gz")
    def apply(jis:JIS) = Input(new GZIPInputStream(jis))
    def apply(jos:JOS) = Output(new GZIPOutputStream(jos))

//--Output stream constructors 
object Output{
  def apply(os:JOS):Output = new Output(os)
  def bytes:Output.ByteStreamOutput = new ByteStreamOutput(new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream)

  def nullOutput:Output = new Output( new JOS{ override def write(b:Int):Unit = () })

  def toByteArray(write: Output => Unit):Array[Byte] = {val out = Output.bytes; write(out); out.toByteArray}

  class ByteStreamOutput(bos:java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream) extends Output(bos){
    def toByteArray = bos.toByteArray

  //-- bytebuffer
  def apply(buf:java.nio.ByteBuffer):Output = Output(new JOSByteBuffer(buf))

  //TODO write test for this since it was not required right now but fit the patter of the input bytebuffer wrapper...
  class JOSByteBuffer(buf:java.nio.ByteBuffer) extends JOS{
    // simple code example to wrap a bytebuffer as an outputstream https://stackoverflow.com/a/6603018/622016
    def write(byte:Int):Unit = {buf.put(byte.toByte); ()}
    override def write(bytes:Array[Byte], offset:Int, len:Int):Unit = {buf.put(bytes, offset, len); ()}
//--Output stream wrappers and methods
class Output(val os:JOS){
   //TODO wrap autoclose with proper try finally blocks that really close all the resources like Shabin suggestions with Scope at ScalaWorld2016
   var autoClose = true
   def as(sg:StreamGenerator):Output = {val out = sg(os); out.autoClose = autoClose; out} //pass through autoClose option
   def keepOpen = {autoClose = false; this} //turn off autoClose
   def apply[A](applyFunc:JOS => A):Try[A] = {
      val res = Try{applyFunc(os)}
      if(autoClose) os.close //TODO need to clean up if there was a failure to close and use pat in others
   def write(bytes:Array[Byte]):Unit = {
     if(autoClose) os.close
   def write(writeFunc:java.io.DataOutputStream => Unit):Unit = {
      val dos = new java.io.DataOutputStream(os)
      if(autoClose) dos.close
   def print(printFunc:java.io.PrintWriter => Unit):Unit = {
      val pw = new java.io.PrintWriter(os)
      if(autoClose) pw.close
   def print(string:String):Unit = print(f => f.print(string))
   def println(string:String):Unit = print(f => f.println(string))
   def print(strings:Iterable[String]):Unit = print{f => for(s <- strings) f.println(s)}
   def close = os.close

object Input{
   lazy val std = new Input(System.in)
   //--Input constructors/wrappers/generators
   def apply(is:JIS):Input = new Input(is)
   def apply(bytes:Array[Byte]):Input = new Input(new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream(bytes))
   def apply(string:String):Input = Input(string, UTF_8)
   def apply(string:String,charset:Charset):Input = Input(string getBytes charset)
   // def apply(url:URL):Input = apply(url.toJava.openStream)
   def apply(url:java.net.URL):Input = Input(url.openStream)
   //TODO this maybe need to be removed in preference to URL
   def url(uri:String):Input = Input(new java.net.URL(uri))
   // 2017-07-30("use resource(path).get instead to emphasize unsafe pluck","2017-12-05")
   // def resource(path:String):Input = resource(path).get
   // 2017-07-30("use resource(file).get instead to emphasize unsafe pluck","2017-12-05")
   def apply(bytes:Iterator[Byte]):Input = new Input(/*new java.io.BufferedInputStream*/(new JIS{
     // private var buf:Array[Byte] = bytes.take(1.k).toArray
     // private var i:Int = 0
     def read():Int = if(bytes.hasNext) bytes.next().toInt else -1
     //TODO add more JIS functionality for higher performance
     override def available:Int = if(bytes.hasNext) 1 else 0 //the default implementation=0 so could break some functions
     //TODO add more JIS functionality for higher performance
     //FIXME to work with AIS (audio)
   def apply(bytes:Iterable[Byte]):Input = apply(bytes.iterator)

   def apply(buf:java.nio.ByteBuffer):Input = Input(new JISByteBuffer(buf))

   class JISByteBuffer(buf:java.nio.ByteBuffer) extends JIS{
     // simple code example to wrap a bytebuffer as an inputstream https://stackoverflow.com/a/6603018/622016
     //TODO @throws(classOf[IOException])
     def read():Int = if(buf.hasRemaining) buf.get & 0xFF else -1
     //TODO @throws(classOf[IOException])
     override def read(bytes:Array[Byte], offset:Int, len:Int):Int = {
         val shortestLength = len min buf.remaining
         buf.get(bytes, offset, shortestLength)
       else -1

   private def resourceURL(file:File):Option[java.net.URL] = {
     val path = file.unixPath
     val modPath = if(path startsWith "/") path else "/"+path
     Option(getClass.getResource(modPath)) //wrap the null return as an None
   def resource(file:File):Input = resourceOption(file).get
   def resourceOption(file:File):Option[Input] = resourceURL(file) map Input.apply
   def isResource(file:File):Boolean = resourceURL(file).isDefined
   // 2017-07-30("used resource(file.path).get instead", "2017-12-05")  //deprecation warnings were not caught and the type checker complained instead
   // def resource(path:String):Input = Input(resourceURL(File(path)).get)
   def empty:Input = Input("")

   // def apply(file:File) = TODO add a smart searhc for local file then resources...

   import scala.language.implicitConversions
   implicit def Input2InputStream(input:Input):JIS = input.is

   //--Misc data funtions

   // def bytes(xs:Int*):Array[Byte] = xs map(_.toByte).toArray
   //def buffer(xs:Byte*):java.nio.ByteBuffer

   /* TODO remove in favor of xxd
   def xdd(bs:Array[Byte], cols:Int=16, bytesPerGroup:Int=2):Iterator[String] = {
     val bytesPerLine = bytesPerGroup*cols
     bs.grouped(bytesPerLine).zipWithIndex.map{case (l,i) => 
        val index = "%08X" format i*bytesPerLine
        val hex = l grouped bytesPerGroup map {g => g map {"%02X" format _} mkString ""} mkString " "
        val utf = l grouped 2 map {g => U16(g(0), g(1)).toInt.toChar} mkString ""
        val padding = " "*((bytesPerGroup*2+1)*cols - hex.size)
        index + "  " + hex + padding + " " + Ansi.strip(utf).replaceAll("[\r\n]",".")

   class LineIterator(is:JIS, debug:Option[Int]=None, autoClose:Boolean=true) extends Iterator[String]{
     private val src = Input(is).bufferedSource(scala.io.Source.DefaultBufSize*8)
     private val it0 = src.getLines()
     private val it = if(debug.isDefined) it0 take debug.get else it0
     private var isOpen = true

     def hasNext:Boolean = if(isOpen && it.hasNext) true else {if(isOpen && autoClose) close; false}
     def next():String = it.next()

     def close = { isOpen = false; src.close}

//---Input stream wrappers and methods
class Input(val is:JIS){
   //TODO wrap autoclose with proper try finally blocks that really close all the resources like Shabin suggestions with Scope at ScalaWorld2016
    private var autoClose:Boolean = true
    def as(sg:StreamGenerator):Input = {val in = sg(is); in.autoClose = autoClose; in} //pass through autoClose option
    def keepOpen:Input = {val in = Input(is); in.autoClose = false; in} //turn off autoClose

    def apply[A](applyFunc:JIS => A):Try[A] = {
      val res = Try{applyFunc(is)}
      if(autoClose) is.close //TODO need to clean up if there was a failure to close and use pat in others

    def monitor(message:String="Progress"):Input =
      Input(new javax.swing.ProgressMonitorInputStream(null, message, is))

    def close = is.close
    def consume:Unit = {
      val it = byteIt

    def read[A](readFunc:java.io.DataInputStream => A):A = {
      val dis = new java.io.DataInputStream(is)
      val res = readFunc(dis)
      if(autoClose) dis.close
    //FIXME remove this broken somewhat broken concept
    2017-07-30("remove this broken somewhat broken concept, since the buffer size may not be full","dj")
    def readBytes(readFunc:Array[Byte] => Unit):Unit = {
      var bytesRead = 0
      val buffSize = 8192*2
      val buffer = new Array[Byte](buffSize)
      //TODO add isAvailable to pause?
      while({bytesRead = is.read(buffer); bytesRead != -1}) readFunc(
            if(bytesRead < buffSize) buffer take bytesRead else buffer
      if(autoClose) is.close
    2017-07-30("use byteIt, since bytes seems like an immutable list","dk")
    def bytes:Iterator[Byte] = byteIt(8192*2)
    /**default large buffer iterator chunks*/
    def byteIt:Iterator[Byte] = byteIt(8192*2)
    def byteIt(bufferSize:Int):Iterator[Byte] =
      if(bufferSize <= 1) byteIt(1) else new Iterator[Byte]{
      private val N = 8192*2 //buffer size
      private val bs = new Array[Byte](bufferSize) //byte buffer
      private var n = 0 //bytes read
      private var i = bufferSize //buffer index

      private var foundEnd:Boolean = false //end of file cache
      private def eof:Boolean = {
        if(!foundEnd && n == -1){
          if(autoClose) is.close //autoClose if the first time we found an eof
          foundEnd = true
      private def eob:Boolean = i >= n-1 //end of buffer

      def hasNext:Boolean = {
        if(eof) false
        else if(eob) {
          n = is read bs  //read the buffer
          i = -1 //reset buffer index
          // n != -1 
          !eof //check if eof
        else true //inside buffer
      def next():Byte = {
        // Log(bufferSize,n,i,foundEnd,eof,eob)
        if(foundEnd)  ??? //no such element
        else {
          i += 1

    /**readline like but with a callback on each charcter input; returning the full string*/
    def readCharsWhile(callback:Char => Boolean,charset:Charset=UTF_8):Unit = {
      val reader = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(is,charset))
      var _char:Int = 0
      var _continue = true
      while(_continue && {_char = is.read; /*print("[" + _char + "]");*/ _char != -1}) { //TODO add an available to prevent blocking on read
        _continue = callback(_char.toChar)
    /**readline like but with a callback on each charcter input; returning the full string*/
    def promptLine:String= {
      var _string:String = ""
      readCharsWhile{ c =>
        print(c) //show to std out
        if(c == '\n' || c == '\r') false else {_string += c ; true}

    //TODO plan to deprecate since the copy direction is not explicilty clear
    2017-07-30("use copyTo to be more specific where it is copied to", "dq")
    def copy(that:Output):Unit = copyTo(that)
    def copyTo(that:File):Unit = copyTo(that.out)
    def copyTo(that:Output):Unit = {
        //IO.copy(this.is, that.os, autoClose)
        var bytesRead = 0
        val buffSize = 8192*2
        val buffer = new Array[Byte](buffSize)
        while({bytesRead = this.is.read(buffer); bytesRead != -1}) that.os.write(buffer,0,bytesRead)
        if(this.autoClose) this.is.close
        if(that.autoClose) that.os.close

    def lines:Input.LineIterator = new Input.LineIterator(is, None, autoClose)
    def lines(debug:Option[Int]):Input.LineIterator = new Input.LineIterator(is, debug, autoClose)

    def bufferedSource(bufferSize:Int=scala.io.Source.DefaultBufSize)(implicit codec:scala.io.Codec):scala.io.BufferedSource =
            reset = () => bufferedSource(bufferSize)(codec),
            close = () => is.close()
         ) (codec)

    private def toByteArrayOutputStream =  {
        val bos = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
        this copyTo Output(bos)

    //don't override toString since it will consume the input on simple toString calls
    // 2017-07-30("dont override toString use `asString` instead","dq")
    // override def toString = "Input(<wrapper around an InputStream>)"// ??? //throws runtimeerror TODO throw compiletime eror at runtime... use [[asString]] instead

    def asString(charset:Charset) = new String(toByteArray,charset)
    def asString = new String(toByteArray, UTF_8)

    def toByteArray:Array[Byte] = toByteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray
    def toByteBuffer:java.nio.ByteBuffer = java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap(toByteArray)

    def base64:String = Base64.encode(toByteArray)

    def cat:String = {
      if(is != null){
        val buf = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(is))
        @tailrec def read(str:StringBuilder):StringBuilder= {
           val x = buf.readLine
           if(x != null && x.nonEmpty) read(str ++= x) else str
        read(new StringBuilder).toString
      else ""

    import java.security.{MessageDigest,DigestInputStream}
    def digest(implicit md:MessageDigest):String = { //TODO should return a byteArray and byteArray has a toHex
      val digestBytes = try{
         val dis = new DigestInputStream(is,md)
         val buffer = new Array[Byte](8192)
         while(dis.read(buffer) >= 0){}
      } finally {is.close}
      digestBytes.map("%02x" format _).mkString
    def sha1   = digest(MessageDigest getInstance "SHA-1")
    def sha256 = digest(MessageDigest getInstance "SHA-256")
    def md5    = digest(MessageDigest getInstance "MD5")

    //-- support functions for hex dump xxd
    private def asHex(bs:Seq[Byte]):String = bs.map{"%02X" format _}.mkString("")
    private def asText(bs:Seq[Byte]):String = bs.map{b =>
      if      (b >  31) b.toChar.toString // printable most common case first ...
      else if (b <   0) "×"    //extended 
      else if (b ==  0) "Ø"   //null
      else if (b ==  9) "\\t" //tab
      else if (b == 10) "\\n" //LF
      else if (b == 13) "\\r" //CR
      else "·" //control character
      //special glyphs supported by pdf standard Courier:  ×Ø·¿¬®©¶  

    /**Unix like hex dump as an efficient string iterator */
    def xxd:Iterator[String] = {
      byteIt.grouped(16).zipWithIndex.map{case (bs,iLine) =>
        val i = iLine*16
        val h = bs.grouped(8).map{bs => bs.grouped(2).map(asHex).mkString(" ") }.mkString(" | ")
        val t = asText(bs)
        f"$i%08X | $h | $t"

    //-- support classes and functions for string seeking
    /**Unix like string iterator to finding ascii character sequences*/
    class AsciiIterator(bs:Iterator[Byte]) extends Iterator[String]{
      private def isCommonAscii(b:Byte):Boolean = b > 31 || b == 10 || b == 13 || b == 9
      def hasNext:Boolean = bs.hasNext
      @tailrec final def next():String = {
        bs.dropWhile{b => !isCommonAscii(b)}
        val str = bs.takeWhile{b => isCommonAscii(b)}.map{_.toChar}.mkString("")
        if(str.size > 3) str else if(bs.hasNext) next() else ""
    /**Unix like string iterator to finding ascii character sequences*/
    def strings:Iterator[String] = new AsciiIterator(byteIt)


//-- PathEntry is either a FileEntry or a DirEntry 
//TODO put all of these sub class inside some super trait like PathEntry or Input or File.Entry
// TODO implment moving over zip without commons compress by using these PathEntry
  // so moving over zip files can work without the commons-compress dependency by using the built in java deflat/unzip
sealed trait PathEntry{  //TODO this basic trait could be a superset of file
  val file:File
  val date:Date
  val size:Bytes
object PathEntry{
  def apply(file:File):PathEntry =
               if(file.isDir)  DirEntry(file, file.modified)
               else            FileEntry(file)
  protected[drx] def normalizePath(path:String) = path.replace("\\","/")

object FileEntry{
  def apply(file:File):FileEntry = new FileEntry(file, ()=>file.in, file.size, file.modified)
  def apply(file:File, content:String):FileEntry = new FileEntry(file, ()=>Input(content), Bytes(content.size), Date.now)
  def apply(file:File, bytes:Array[Byte]):FileEntry = new FileEntry(file, ()=>Input(bytes), Bytes(bytes.size), Date.now)
class FileEntry(val file:File, val makeStream:()=>Input, val size:Bytes, val date:Date) extends PathEntry{
  override def toString = s"FileEntry($file, <Input>, size=$size, $date)"
  lazy val in:Input = makeStream()
  def as(sg:StreamGenerator):FileEntry = {
     val bos = Output.bytes
     in copyTo bos.as(sg)
     val bytes = bos.toByteArray
     new FileEntry(file, ()=>Input(bytes), Bytes(bytes.size), date)
  def fullPath:String = PathEntry.normalizePath(file.path)
case class DirEntry(file:File, date:Date) extends PathEntry{
  val size = Bytes(0L) //size:Long=ArchiveEntry.SIZE_UNKNOWN = -1
class DeepFileEntry(val parent:FileEntry, e:FileEntry) extends FileEntry(e.file,e.makeStream,e.size,e.date){
  /** parents are the parents in a walk deep*/
  def parents:List[FileEntry] = parent match{
     case p:DeepFileEntry => p :: p.parents
     case p:FileEntry     => p :: Nil
  /** file path as as a string (in a deep walk) */
  override def fullPath:String = PathEntry.normalizePath((this :: parents).reverse map {_.file.path} mkString "/")
  def treePath:String = (this :: parents).reverse.zipWithIndex map {case (e,i) => "   "*i + e.file.path} mkString "\n"
  override def toString = s"DeepFileEntry($fullPath, <Input>, size=$size, $date)"