   Copyright 2010 Aaron J. Radke

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
package cc.drx

/**Explicit repository Source(file,url) and Style(maven,ivy,sbt)*/
class Repo(val source:Repo.Source, val name:Option[String], val style:Repo.Style){
  import Repo._
  def releases(x:Project) :List[Release]  = source.releases(x, style)
  def projects(x:Org)     :List[Project]  = source.projects(x, style)
  def artifacts(x:Release):List[Artifact] = source.artifacts(x, style)

  // def latest(x:Project):Option[Release] = releases(x).sortBy{_.tag}.lastOption
  // def latest(org:String,prj:String):Option[Release] = releases(x).sortBy{_.tag}.lastOption

  def get(a:Artifact):Option[File] = source.get(a,style)

  def as(newStyle:Style):Repo = new Repo(source,name,newStyle)

  def /(orgName:String):Org = Org(orgName)

  override def toString = s"Repo($source, $name, $style)"

//TODO remove extra toList functions
//TODO add auto detect of file type urls and use file.list instead of webpage grok
//TODO add filter of artifact types
//TODO generalize organization and artifacts for other layouts like ivy..
/** (Repo) can find (Org -> Project -> Release -> Artifact)
 * Repo have two major input types: 
 *    1) user reference using org/project/release
 *    2) dir listing of an artifact path (whose parents or filename can determine the org/project/release
 *    function styles end with F
object Repo{

  /** Org -> Project -> Release -> Artifact */
  case class Artifact(release:Release, ext:String, alt:Option[String]=None){
    def *(newAlt:String):Artifact = copy(alt=Some(newAlt))
    def alt(newAlt:String):Artifact = copy(alt=Some(newAlt))
    //TODO def get:Try[File] = ??? is the file already cached?? else download
    def path(implicit style:Style):File = style.path(this)

    def baseKind:String = alt match {
        case Some("javadoc") => "doc"
        case Some("sources") => "src"
        case _ => ext.split(".").head

  private def clean(n:String):String = {
    val a = if(n endsWith "/")   n dropRight 1 else n
    val b = if(a startsWith ":") a drop      1 else a
    return b

  /** Org -> Project -> Release */
  object Release{
    def apply(org:String, prj:String, ver:String):Release = Org(org)/prj/ver
  case class Release(project:Project, tag:Version){
    private def baseAndAlt = tag.name.span(_ != '-')
    def base:String = Version(baseAndAlt._1).name
    def alt:Option[String] = {val a = baseAndAlt._1; if(a == "") None else Some(a)}
    def *(altNew:String) = Release(project, Version(base +++ alt.map{"-"+_}))

    private val ArtifactAltPat = """\-([^.]+)\.(.+)""".r
    private val ArtifactPat   = """\.(.+)""".r
    def /(ext:String):Artifact = { //TODO use the style decomposers instead of these custom tags
      val inits = List(
        project.name +++ project.alt.map("_"+_)
      inits find {ext startsWith _} map { init =>
        val rest = ext.drop(init.size)
        rest match {
          case ArtifactAltPat(alt,ext) => Artifact(this,ext,Some(alt))
          case ArtifactPat(ext)        => Artifact(this,ext)
          case _                       => Artifact(this,"",Some(rest))
      } getOrElse Artifact(this,ext)
    def list(implicit repos:Repos) = listFirst(repos){_ artifacts this}
    def path(implicit style:Style):File = style.path(this)

    def nice = project.org.name .fit(40,cc.drx.Style.Left) + "#  " +
               project.name     .fit(20,cc.drx.Style.Left) + ":  " +

  /** Org -> Project */
  case class Project(org:Org, name:String, alt:Option[String]=None){
     def *(altNew:String) = copy(alt=Some(altNew))
     def /(tag:String) = Release(this, Version(clean(tag)))
     def list(implicit repos:Repos):List[Release] = listFirst(repos){_ releases this}.toList sortBy (_.tag)
     def latest(implicit repos:Repos):Option[Release] = list(repos).lastOption
     def stable(implicit repos:Repos):Option[Release] = list(repos).filter(_.tag.isFinal).lastOption
     def path(implicit style:Style):File = style.path(this)

     def stats(implicit repos:Repos):Map[String,Int] = repos.headOption.map{_.source.stats(this)} getOrElse Map()

  private val ScalaProjectAltPat = """([^_]+)_(.+)""".r
  /** Org */
  object Org{ def apply(org:String):Org = Org(org.trim.split("""[./]+""").toList) }
  case class Org(domains:List[String], alt:Option[String]=None){
    def name = domains mkString "."
    /**sbt style autodetect alt scala version style*/
    def %%(prj:String) = clean(prj) match {
      case ScalaProjectAltPat(p,alt)  => Project(this, p, Some(alt))
      case p                   => Project(this, p, None)
    /**sbt style alias for '/' */
    def %(prj:String) = this / prj
    def /(prj:String) = Project(this, clean(prj), None)
    def *(altNew:String) = copy(alt=Some(altNew))
    def list(implicit repos:Repos) = listFirst(repos){_.projects(this).toList} //TODO add find first rather than find all
    def path(implicit style:Style):File = style.path(this)

  //implementation functions
  // private def hrefs(url:URL,depth:Int=0):Future[List[String]] =  {
  private def files(file:File,depth:Int=0):List[String] = {
    val names = if(depth == 0) file.list
                else file.walk(maxDepth=depth) filter (_.isFile)
    names.toList map {_.name} filterNot blackList
  private def hrefs(url:URL):List[String] = url.get.hrefs.flatMap{_.file}.map{_.name} filterNot blackList
  private val blackStarts = ". # maven-metadata readme" split " "
  private def blackList(name:String):Boolean = blackStarts exists (name.toLowerCase startsWith _)

  object Style{
      implicit val defaultStyle:Style = Maven
  trait Style{
    def filename(o:Org):String
    def filename(p:Project):String
    def filename(r:Release):String
    def filename(a:Artifact):String

    //TODO make this abstract and implement specifically for each repo style
    //This provides a mechanism from a listing to a canonical form
    def artifact(f:File):Option[Artifact] = for(pf <- f.parent; r <- release(pf) ) yield r / f.name
    def release(f:File):Option[Release]   = for(pf <- f.parent; p <- project(pf) ) yield p / f.name
    def project(f:File):Option[Project]   = for(pf <- f.parent; o <- org(pf)     ) yield o / f.name
    def org(f:File):Option[Org]           = Some(Org(f.unixPath))

    def artifactDepth:Int
    def releaseDepth:Int = 0
    def projectDepth:Int = 0

    def path(o:Org):File      = File(filename(o))
    def path(p:Project):File  = path(p.org) / filename(p)
    def path(r:Release):File  = path(r.project) / filename(r)
    def path(a:Artifact):File = path(a.release) / filename(a)
  /** <o/r/g> / <prj>[_alt] / <tag> / <prj>[_alt]-<tag>.<ext> */
  object Maven extends Style{
    def artifactDepth:Int = 0
    def filename(o:Org):String      = o.domains mkString "/"
    def filename(p:Project):String  = p.name +++ p.alt.map("_"+_)
    def filename(r:Release):String  = r.tag.name
    def filename(a:Artifact):String = filename(a.release.project) + ("-"+a.release.tag.name) +++ a.alt.map("-"+_) + ("."+a.ext)
  /** <org> / <prj>[_alt] / <tag> / <ext>s / <prj>[_alt].<ext> */
  object Ivy extends Style{
    def artifactDepth:Int = 1
    def filename(o:Org):String      = o.domains mkString "."
    def filename(p:Project):String  = p.name +++ p.alt.map("_"+_)
    def filename(r:Release):String  = r.tag.name
    def filename(a:Artifact):String = {
      val baseDir = a.baseKind+"s/"
      if(a.baseKind == "ivy") baseDir + a.ext
      else                    baseDir + filename(a.release.project) + "."+a.ext

    /** copy (& transform) a cache or repo (useful for maintaining repos on air-gapped networks)
     *  Example:  Repo.Ivy.sync(file"~/.ivy/cache", file"~/ivyrepo", dryRun=false) */
    lazy val sync = Sync(src => {
      val ivyXml  = Glob.ignoreCase("ivy-*.xml")
      val ivyData = Glob.ignoreCase("ivydata-*.properties")
      val ivyOrg  = Glob.ignoreCase("ivy-*.xml.original")
      def parent = src.parent.getOrElse(src) //simple way to do parent matches
      val name = src.name
      if(name == ".sbt.ivy.lock") Sync.Skip(src, Symbol("SbtLock"))
      else if(ivyOrg matches name) Sync.Skip(src, Symbol("IvyOrg"))
      else if(ivyData matches name) Sync.Skip(src, Symbol("IvyData"))
      else if(src.path contains "-SNAPSHOT") Sync.Skip(src, Symbol("Snapshot"))
      else if( (ivyXml matches name) && (parent.name != "ivys")) {
        Sync.Copy( File(src.path.replace(name, s"ivys/$name")), Symbol("IvyXml")) //transform the location
      else Sync.Copy(src, Symbol("Artifact"))
  /** <org> / <prj>[_alt] / <tag> / <ext>s / <prj>[_alt].<ext> */
  object IvyCache extends Style{
    def artifactDepth:Int = 1
    def filename(o:Org):String      = o.domains mkString "."
    def filename(p:Project):String  = p.name +++ p.alt.map("_"+_)
    def filename(r:Release):String  = "" //no specific release folder
    def filename(a:Artifact):String =
      if(a.baseKind == "ivy")   "ivy-"+a.release.tag.name+ a.ext.drop(3) //drop ivy from the ext
      else                       a.baseKind+"s/" + filename(a.release.project) + "-" + a.release.tag.name + "."+a.ext
  object GithubStyle extends Style{
    def artifactDepth:Int = 0
    def filename(o:Org):String      = ???
    def filename(p:Project):String  = ???
    def filename(r:Release):String  = ???
    def filename(a:Artifact):String = ???

  /** <org> / <prj> / scala_<alt> / sbt_<alt> / <tag> / <ext>s / <prj>.<ext> */
  case class SbtPlugin(sbtVersion:String="0.13",scalaVersion:String="2.10") extends Style{
    //TODO use implicits for defaults of sbtVersion and scalaVersion
    //TODO test each subsection
    def artifactDepth:Int = 1
    def filename(o:Org):String      = o.domains mkString "."
    def filename(p:Project):String  = p.name +++ p.alt.map("_"+_) + s"/scala_$scalaVersion/sbt_$sbtVersion"
    def filename(r:Release):String  = r.tag.name
    def filename(a:Artifact):String = a.ext+"s/" + a.release.project.name + "."+a.ext

  /**Generic repo source (required functions)*/
  trait Source {
    def get(a:Artifact,style:Style):Option[File]

    def releases(x:Project,style:Style):List[Release]
    def projects(x:Org, style:Style):List[Project]
    def artifacts(x:Release, style:Style):List[Artifact]

    def stats(p:Project):Map[String,Int] = Map[String,Int]()
  trait SourcePathList extends Source{
    def list(f:File,depth:Int):List[String]

    def releases(x:Project,style:Style):List[Release]    = list(style path x, style.releaseDepth) map (x / _ )
    def projects(x:Org, style:Style):List[Project]       = list(style path x, style.projectDepth) map (x / _ )
    def artifacts(x:Release, style:Style):List[Artifact] = list(style path x, style.artifactDepth) map (x / _ )
  class SourceFile(baseDir:File) extends SourcePathList {
      def list(f:File,depth:Int):List[String] = files(baseDir / f.unixPath, depth).toList
      def get(a:Artifact, style:Style):Option[File] = {val f = style.path(a); if(f.exists) Some(f) else None}
  class SourceURL(baseURL:URL) extends SourcePathList {
      /**note: depth is ignored in url souces*/
      def list(f:File,depth:Int):List[String] = hrefs(baseURL / (f.unixPath + "/") )
      def get(a:Artifact,style:Style):Option[File] = ???  //TODO add url downloader to a cache repo

  //TODO  move most of this functionality and specific parsing to the github object itself so it can be used independently
  class SourceGithub(token:Option[String] = None)(implicit ec:ExecutionContext=Implicit.ec) extends Source {
    //api ex: https://api.github.com/repos/scala/scala/tags
    private val api = {
      val url = (
        URL(s"https://api.github.com") ** List("per_page" -> "100", "page"-> "1")
      ).addHeader("Accept" -> "application/vnd.github.v3+json")
      token.map{t => url.addHeader("Authorization" -> s"token $t") } getOrElse url
    override def toString = s"SourceGithub($api)"
    //TODO add a per_page=100 parameter for better pagination https://developer.github.com/guides/traversing-with-pagination/
    //TODO get next from the rel.next header to list the with per_page=100 parameter for better pagination https://developer.github.com/guides/traversing-with-pagination/
    private val Name = Pluck(""""name"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)"""".r)
    private val FullName = Pluck(""""full_name"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)"""".r)
    private val Title = Pluck(""""title"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)"""".r) //top-level title
    private val State = Pluck(""""state"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)"""".r) //top-level title
    private val Number = Pluck(""""number"\s*:\s*(\d+)""".r) //top-level title
    private val UserType = Pluck(""""type"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)"""".r)

    // 2017-07-30("use future wrapped version","dq")
    // private def blockingGet(url:URL):String = {
    //   url.fetch.block(60.s).getOrElse(s"Error downloading $url")
    // }

    //--blocking methods to meet the Source contract
    def releases(x:Project,style:Style):List[Release] = releasesF(x).block(2.minute).getOrElse(Nil)
    def projects(org:Org, style:Style):List[Project] = projectsF(org).block(2.minute).getOrElse(Nil)

    //--future based methods
    def releasesF(x:Project):Future[List[Release]] =
      (api / "repos" / x.org.name / x.name / "tags").async{ c =>
        c.content.pluckAll(Name).toList map {x / _}

    //--cache for user type (org or user)
    private val isOrgType = TrieMap[String,Future[Boolean]]().withDefault{(name:String) =>
      (api / "users" / name).async{c =>
        c.content.pluckAll(UserType).toList.exists{_ == "Organization" }

    private val pageLimit = 99
    private def mapPagesF[A](query:URL)(f: String => List[A]):Future[List[A]] = {
      def getF(acc:List[A], page:Int):Future[List[A]] = {

        val ffs = (query * ("page" -> page.toString)).async{c => f(c.content)}
        // val lastPage = c.relLinks.get("last").flatMap{url => url getParam "page" map {_.toInt}}.getOrElse(page)

        ffs.flatMap{fs  =>
          if(fs.size < 100 || page > pageLimit) Future(acc ++ fs) //pageLimit set to 99 //note this uses stack to recurse..
          else getF(acc ++ fs, page + 1)
      getF(Nil, 1) //start from the first page

    def projectsF(org:Org):Future[List[Project]] = {
      isOrgType(org.name).flatMap{ (orgType:Boolean) =>
        val orgKey =  if (orgType) "orgs" else "users"
        val query = api / orgKey / org.name / "repos"
        mapPagesF(query){resp =>
          resp.pluckAll(FullName).toList.map{fullName =>
            val prjName  =  fullName.replace(org.name+"/", "") //take off the organization name if it exists
            org / prjName

    def issuesF(prj:Project):Future[List[Github.Issue]] = {
      val query = api / "repos" / prj.org.name / prj.name / "issues"
      mapPagesF(query){resp =>

        val json = Json(resp)

        def issueSM(json:Json) = StringMap.collect{
          case "labels" =>  (json getSeq "labels").toList map {labels => labels flatMap {_ getString "name"} } mkString ","
        } mergeWith json

        for( j <- json.asSeq.toList;
          body <- j getString "body";
          number <- j getInt "number"; //this is an Int not a Double
          state <- j getString "state";
          title <- j getString "title";
          labels <- j getSeq "labels" map {labels => labels flatMap {_ getString "name"} };
          // milestone <- j get "milestone" flatMap {_ getString "title"};
          // j getBoolean "locked"
          comments <- j getInt "comments"; //this is an Int count
          // j getString "closed_at") //these are dates
          // j getString "created_at")
          updated_at <- j getString "updated_at"
          // println(issue getMap "pull_request" flatMap {_ get "url"})
          // println(issue getMap "repository" flatMap {_ get "full_name"} ) 
        ) yield {
          // TODO include assignees back
          // val assignee  = j get "assignee" flatMap {_ getString "login"} 
          // val assignees = j getSeq "assignees" map {as => as flatMap {_ getString "login"} };

            body = body,
            number = number,
            state = state,
            title = title,
            // labels = labels, //TODO 
            // assignees = Seq(), //assignees :+ assignee,  //TODO 
            // milestone = milestone, //TODO 
            comments = comments,
            updated_at = Date(updated_at)


    def artifacts(x:Release, style:Style):List[Artifact]  = List(x / "zip") //TODO make the get actually get this zipball
    def get(a:Artifact,style:Style):Option[File] = ???  //TODO add url downloader to a cache repo

    def statsF(p:Project):Future[Map[String,Int]] = {
      (api / "repos" / p.org.name / p.name).async{c =>
        val json = c.content
        def count(k:String):Option[Int] = json pluck Pluck((k.quote + """\s*:\s*(\d+)""").r) map {_.toInt}
        val keys = "forks watchers stargazers open_issues subscribers" split " "
        (for(k <- keys; v <- count(k+"_count")) yield k->v).toMap
    override def stats(p:Project):Map[String,Int] = statsF(p).block(60.s).getOrElse(Map.empty)

      // val json = blockingGet(api / "repos" / p.org.name / p.name)
      // def count(k:String):Option[Int] = json pluck Pluck((k.quote + """\s*:\s*(\d+)""").r) map {_.toInt}
      // (for(k <- "forks watchers stargazers open_issues subscribers" split " "; v <- count(k+"_count")) yield k->v).toMap
      // // "forks watchers stargazers open_issues subscribers".split(" ") mapIf; v <- count(k+"_count")) yield k->v).toMap //TODO make this cleaner with a mapIf that flatten's options
    // }

  private def listFirst[B](repos:Repos)(list:Repo => List[B]):List[B] = repos.foldLeft(List[B]()){
    case (Nil, repo) => list(repo)
    case (x, _)      => x

  def apply(base:File, style:Style):Repo = new Repo(new SourceFile(base), None, style)
  def apply(base:URL,  style:Style):Repo = new Repo(new SourceURL(base),  None, style)

  //val github = ???
  val ivyLocal = Repo(File.home / ".ivy2/local", Ivy)
  val ivyCache = Repo(File.home / ".ivy2/cache", IvyCache)
  val mavenLocal = Repo(File.home / ".m2/repository", Maven)
  val mavenCentral = Repo(URL("https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2"), Maven)
  // val mavenCentralGoogle = Repo(url"https://maven-central.storage.googleapis.com",Maven)
  val sbtPlugins = Repo(URL("http://dl.bintray.com/sbt/sbt-plugin-releases"), SbtPlugin())

  lazy val github = new Repo(new SourceGithub(OS.Env.get("GITHUB_TOKEN")), None, GithubStyle)
  def github(token:String) = new Repo(new SourceGithub(Some(token)), None, GithubStyle)
  type Repos = Iterable[Repo]
  implicit val defaultRepos:Repos = List[Repo](ivyLocal, ivyCache, mavenLocal, mavenCentral, sbtPlugins, github)
