/* Copyright 2010 Aaron J. Radke Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ // vim: set ts=3 sw=3 et: package cc.drx import scala.sys.process.{Process,ProcessLogger} import scala.concurrent.blocking object Shell{ //add https://stackoverflow.com/a/366532/622016 private val Args = """[^\s"']+|"([^"]*)"|'([^']*)'""".r def argsOf(cmd:String):List[String] = Args.findAllMatchIn(cmd).map{ m => Option(m group 1) orElse Option(m group 2) getOrElse m.matched.toString }.toList def apply(args:Iterable[String]):Shell = new Shell(args) def apply(cmd:String, args:String*):Shell = new Shell(argsOf(cmd) ++ args) def apply(args:Iterable[String],cwd:Option[File],env:Iterable[(String,String)]):Shell = new Shell(args,cwd,env) def apply(cmd:String,cwd:Option[File],env:Iterable[(String,String)]):Shell = new Shell(argsOf(cmd),cwd,env) def apply(args:Iterable[String],cwd:File):Shell = new Shell(args,Some(cwd),Nil) def apply(cmd:String,cwd:File):Shell = new Shell(argsOf(cmd),Some(cwd),Nil) case class ExitCodeFailure(code:Int,lines:List[String]) extends Throwable } //Shell provides a consistent cross platform wrapping to make the frustrating windows processes work more like linux class Shell (val args:Iterable[String], val cwd:Option[File]=None, val env:Iterable[(String,String)]=List()){ //---construction facilities def apply(moreArgs:String*) = this ++ moreArgs def ++(moreArgs:Seq[String]) = new Shell(args ++ moreArgs, cwd, env) private lazy val quotedArgs = args.map{arg => val head = arg.take(1) val isQuote = head == "\"" || head == "\'" if(!isQuote && arg.contains(" ")) "\"" + arg + "\"" else arg } override def toString = quotedArgs.mkString(" ") private def fullArgs(fork:Boolean) = { val as = if(fork){ if(OS.kind == OS.Windows) { if(args.nonEmpty && args.head.contains("java")) List("javaw.exe") ++ args.drop(1) //assumes java on the path else List("start","/B") ++ args } else args.toList :+ "&" } else args if(OS.kind == OS.Windows && as.nonEmpty && !as.head.toLowerCase.endsWith(".exe") ) List("cmd.exe","/Q","/C") ++ as.toList else as.toList } ///---launch facilities def fork:Process = process(fork=true).run() //scala.sys.process.Process.run is a kind of fork that runs in the background //this separate cwd get switch is required since the processInternal.File does not inference correctly to cc.drx.File def process(fork:Boolean=false) = { val args = fullArgs(fork) // println(s"args:$args") if(cwd.isDefined) Process(args, cwd.get, env.toSeq:_*) else Process(args, None, env.toSeq:_*) } 2017-07-30("this is just too dangerous, it's too easy to use","v0.2.15") def block(waitTime:Time)(implicit ec:ExecutionContext):Try[List[String]] = lines(ec).block(waitTime) /** run with all results sent to std out*/ def run(implicit ec:ExecutionContext):Future[Int] = run(str => println(str)) /** run with each line result sent to a function*/ def run(f:String => Unit)(implicit ec:ExecutionContext):Future[Int] = Future(blocking{ val proc:Process = process().run(ProcessLogger(f(_))) //toss assign stdin and stderr proc.exitValue() }) def linesAs[A](f:String => A)(implicit ec:ExecutionContext):Future[List[A]] = lines(ec).map{_ map f} // TODO not sure about all these futures laying around since they seem to break the functional clarity def lines(implicit ec:ExecutionContext):Future[List[String]] = Future(blocking{ val buffer = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String] val proc:Process = process().run(ProcessLogger{x => buffer += x; ()}) val code = proc.exitValue() val lines = buffer.toList if(code != 0) throw Shell.ExitCodeFailure(code, lines) lines //normally just return all the lines }) def resultString(implicit ec:ExecutionContext):Future[String] = lines(ec).map{_.mkString("\n").trim} def exitCode(implicit ec:ExecutionContext):Future[Int] = run(_ => ())(ec) //toss lines asside; don't show }